Workforce News

Intentional Hiring for Justice-Impacted Individuals

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01 August 2023

这篇文章是“公平机会”系列文章的第五篇,旨在提高人们对爱博体育手机版下载受司法影响的个人就业需求的认识,以及愿意为这些归国公民提供有意义的就业机会的雇主的利益. Watch for upcoming content with detailed looks into active area providers and resources, as well as businesses and individuals who have directly benefited from their interactions. Justice-impacted individuals and local employers can contact Ramsey County Workforce Solutions for assistance.

The inability of employers to find quality workers has become the status quo in the U.S. While the number of job openings in the country “dropped” to 9.8 million in the second quarter of 2023, large corporations and small businesses struggle to find employees to meet their needs.

At the same time, between 70 and 100 million Americans face difficulty finding acceptable employment because they have some form of criminal record. 

将这两点联系起来可以帮助受正义影响的个人和企业共同实现他们的目标. But there are numerous hurdles to overcome to make this occur. 它将要求企业有意“第二次招聘”,以提供劳动力短缺救济,同时帮助这些人回到他们的社区. 

“We can no longer overlook this candidate pool. We need each individual fully contributing to our economy for it to work for everyone. 雇主应该积极主动地深入了解他们长期以来对公正影响的候选人的招聘做法,” said Karyn Berg, Ramsey County Planning and Evaluation Analyst. “社区组织和县政府投入资金,帮助雇主成功地为包容性做出重大改变.”    

Mutual assistance

Second-chance hiring can play an important role in positive community development. Having a job is critical to any person’s self-worth. 研究表明,获得有意义的就业机会对于减少重复犯罪行为至关重要, including studies by Johns Hopkins Hospital, a Kelly Services and Toyota partnership and with U.S. military enlistees

然而,许多雇主可能会在面试中犹豫不决,不愿让那些受到司法影响的人参加面试, 那些由于人员不足而导致经营业绩不佳的企业正在失去潜在的劳动力. Beyond adding to the labor pool, these individuals offer a quality of work that can surpass many without a criminal record. According to the Center for American Progress, employees with criminal records have longer average tenures, 与没有记录的员工相比,自愿休假的频率更低,被非自愿解雇的比率也相同. Furthermore, a survey by Stand Together Trust indicated 85% of Human Resource professionals 有犯罪记录的报告工作者在工作中的表现与其他工作者一样好,甚至更好. 

Finally, 随着社会普遍意识到受司法影响的个人寻求重新进入劳动力市场的挑战增加, including them in hiring practices is becoming a business advantage. Research by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) in 2021 indicated 76% of survey respondents 愿意为雇佣有犯罪记录的人的雇主工作吗? 82%的人愿意参观雇佣有犯罪记录的人的企业吗. 

Intentional practices

Hiring justice-impacted individuals can be daunting for many employers at first. 有意识地制定人力资源战略对于将目标转化为结果至关重要. The following advice can guide those interested in helping their business, community and individuals simultaneously.

Ban the box.

许多受司法影响的个人仅仅通过填写一份申请就被排除在招聘之外. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights enforces the Ban the Box law for private employers, 只有在申请人被选中参加面试或有条件的工作机会被延长后,他们才需要询问申请人的犯罪记录. 雇主可以将他们的申请提交国家审查,以确保符合法律 here.

Have a hiring strategy.

商业领袖知道,战略对于在他们的运营中实现有意的结果至关重要. 实施更新的招聘策略可以确保受司法影响的个人获得公平的就业机会. One excellent resource to educate Human Resource leaders and hiring managers is the Getting Talent Back to Work certificate from SHRM. 它为这些专业人士提供了可操作的知识和工具,使他们更加精通所需的技能,帮助有犯罪记录的人进入他们的公司.

Community outreach

有许多以社区为基础的组织,其日常任务包括帮助受正义影响的个人. 与他们合作改善招聘实践可以为潜在人才提供渠道. Some of these area organizations include:

  • The Minnesota Department of Corrections has several reentry services and resources, like the Minnesota Transition Coalitions. 
  • Twin Cities R!se 的使命是“通过个人赋权来改变那些受到种族或社会经济障碍影响的人的生活”, career training and meaningful employment.”
  • Repowered, formerly Tech Dump, 是明尼苏达州最大的电子垃圾收集商之一,同时也是一家社会企业,为面临就业障碍的人提供就业和培训.
  • Ujamaa Place 通过各种服务和资源,帮助失业或未充分就业的男性,以及由于不稳定或监禁而尚未拥有稳定工作的男性进入劳动力市场. 
  • Art from the Inside 一个惩教人员成立的组织是为了让被监禁的艺术家通过艺术和社区展览来表达自己吗.
  • We Are All Criminals 是一个明尼苏达的非营利组织,致力于挑战社会对“罪犯”的看法.” 

In addition, Ramsey County Workforce Services has numerous programs aimed at helping employers find qualified workers, including justice-impacted individuals, such as: 

  • Job Connect is the largest workforce and training network in the Twin Cities. 
  • Being an Employer of the Day at a community location is a great way to promote your company while screening, interviewing and hiring candidates on-site. 
  • Fair Opportunities 爱博体育手机版下载和爱博体育手机版下载劳动力创新委员会合作提供信息吗, 资源和活动,以帮助雇主更好地了解雇用受刑事司法系统影响的个人的价值.

发生在明尼苏达州外州的一个令人兴奋的例子是明尼苏达州农村集中就业计划 Restoring Connections program. 这个项目建立了与雇主的关系,这些雇主承诺雇佣与司法有关的个人. 这些雇主从获得个人专业技能和新员工加入他们工作队伍的渴望中受益.

Healthy business practices

寻求缓解劳动力问题的雇主可以通过有意地在潜在员工池中增加受公正影响的个人来进行公平的商业投资. 给这些渴望证明自己不是错误的人第二次机会,可能是一个商业领袖所能做出的最佳选择.

Ramsey County Workforce Solutions implores business owners and leaders to reach out today to see how they can be intentional in hiring justice-impacted individuals. 

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