
Navigating the Rise of Driver's License Requirements in 爱博体育手机版下载's 劳动力



Top 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的10大趋势: Part Five

Minnesota employers continue to face a workforce shortage, totaling 2024年3月约有16.4万个职位空缺. Reducing hiring bottlenecks is imperative to help match eager job seekers with businesses in need of potential workers. 在爱博体育手机版下载, one trend stands out prominently as an opportunity for the workforce landscape: the increasing demand for driver's licenses as a hiring credential across various job sectors. Facilitating driver’s license procurement is essential to developing a proficient and mobile workforce to foster business attraction and overall regional economic growth. 本文详细论述了这一必要性 实时的人才 报告题为 Top 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的10大趋势.


A driver’s license is a well-known symbol marking a step toward independence, 责任与成年.  Yet, that license to drive is also becoming a ticket to work for many young people. Access to transportation serves as a significant determinant of social and economic opportunity. 另外, a driver's license is often a prerequisite for numerous jobs that have the potential to lift individuals out of poverty, 包括建筑中的角色, 制造业, 医疗保健, 人类服务, 汽车工业. 

根据报告中最近的数据, 实时的人才 indicates the volume of job postings in 爱博体育手机版下载 requiring a driver's license has risen 7%, 自2021年以来,需要CDL的数量增加了31%. Those trends are significant, considering a 9% drop in all job posting volume in the same timeframe. 艾琳·奥尔森, Senior Director of Strategic Research with 实时的人才, underscores the critical need to ensure that these requirements do not become barriers to employment access.

"Driver's licenses are now a standard requirement for many jobs, 尤其是在交通运输等行业, 交付服务和建筑,奥尔森说。. “然而, it's essential to assess whether these requirements are truly necessary or if they inadvertently create barriers for certain populations and their ability to access a driver’s license."


Several factors contribute to the challenges young people face in obtaining driver's licenses, 包括可访问性, 成本, 结构和种族差异. Privatization of driver's education, illustrated by the fact that in 2019, only 15 percent of teenagers received driver's education at school compared 到70年代的95%, has made an already challenging situation for young adults even more difficult. 其他因素, 例如获得一辆可靠的车辆进行道路测试, 去公共安全部门办公室, 以及获得执照的高昂费用, 设置重大障碍. 


To address these challenges, 爱博体育手机版下载 has launched the 驾驶执照学院, a workforce initiative funded by the American Rescue Plan Act in partnership with the City of 圣保罗. 这一举措针对的是18-24岁的年轻员工, providing them with resources and support to obtain their driver's licenses at no 成本. By focusing on career pathways that require driver's licenses as a work credential, the Academy aims to empower young job seekers and enhance their access to employment opportunities. That investment helps to cultivate a workforce better equipped to meet the demands of local employers and support initiatives for economic development.

"The Driver's License Academy represents a crucial step towards eliminating barriers and ensuring equitable access to employment,奥尔森说。. 通过提供全面的支持, 包括知识测试准备, 方向盘的培训, 道路测试协助和额外资源, we can level the playing field for all eligible participants. 这对员工和雇主来说是双赢的."

到目前为止, the Academy has enrolled over 350 young adults with referrals from 67 different local education and employment providers. 60多名年轻人获得了驾驶执照, and many more have made progress toward the next step in obtaining one.

The academy's approach includes co-investment between 爱博体育手机版下载 and the City of 圣保罗, highlighting a collaborative effort to address workforce challenges and promote economic mobility. This joint commitment underscores the importance of community partnerships in driving positive change.


The rising workforce needs in 爱博体育手机版下载 underscores the demand for proactive solutions to promote driver's license accessibility and equity. 比如驾驶执照学院和其他 相关资源 exemplify the county's commitment to fostering an inclusive and resilient workforce.  

顶部 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的10大趋势 是一个指南针, guiding 爱博体育手机版下载 through the complexities of a transforming workforce. The trends identified pave the way for a resilient, innovative and inclusive future. 每种趋势都将在2024年深入探讨, charting the course for 爱博体育手机版下载's workforce in the coming years.

