全职 楼宇维修机械师1-2 at 爱博体育手机版下载
可用的开口: 1
工业: 政府、建筑
支付类型: 工资
补偿: $52,312.00 - $69,409.每年60
教育水平: 认证
e - verify系统: 是的


目前的职位空缺在物业管理部门. The eligibility list created by this vacancy may be 使用 to hire other vacancies in the department or County.


这个职位的基本职能是操作, 维护, 维修和/或更换物理工厂的机械设备, 包括加热, cooling and ventilating systems; security systems; as well as fire and life safety systems. Duties include performing groundskeeping and general building maintenance at assigned County facilities; ordering and 维护ing supplies 使用 in building maintenance; periodically responding to 24/7 emergency call-back schedule as assigned; and performing related duties as assigned. (The Maintenance Mechanic 1 class is the entry or apprentice level in a career development series.)

If an internal candidate is selected, salary will be set in accordance with the personnel rules (i.e.(晋升、调任或自愿减职).

To view or print a copy of the complete 爱博体育手机版下载 job (class) description for this position, 至: 工作描述. 一旦进入这个页面,你可以浏览按字母顺序排列的列表或搜索职位描述.

建筑维修技工1时薪范围:$25.15 - $30.17
建筑维修技工2时薪范围:$27.86 - $33.37



  1. Prioritize preventive maintenance and repair requests and plan work to ensure necessary parts are available and tasks are completed safely, 高效、及时地完成工作.
  2. 协助维护或维持暖气, 通风和空调系统通过调整和维修热泵, 球迷, 及相关机械设备.
  3. 协助监控工厂运行(包括锅炉), 冷却塔, 和泵), 进行必要的调整以保持最高效率.
  4. 操作、维修和维护保安、消防和生命安全以及通信系统.
  5. 协助制定和实施节能措施和流程.
  6. Assist in the operation and maintenance of computer systems which monitor and control building mechanical systems, 预防性维护计划, 建筑服务运营和公用事业跟踪.
  7. 维护水龙头、淋浴、水槽和厕所. 
  8. Maintain and repair interior finished floors, walls, ceilings, doors, and locks as assigned.
  9. 检查,修理和维护灯具和控制,备用电源,并分配.
  10. 通过更换皮带和过滤器进行预防性维护, 皮带调整及清洗, 检查, 给所有机械设备上润滑油.
  11. 使用手动和电动工具维护地面. 执行地面维护任务,如修剪树木, 修剪灌木丛, 种花, 割草, 和修补人行道/停车场.
  12. Order and 维护 inventories of parts and supplies; deliver equipment to vendors for repair or replacement and pick up purchased supplies.
  13. 执行并保存生命安全设备的定期测试记录.
  14. 操作和维护拖拉机和所有相关的除雪设备.
  15. 在安排和/或分配的情况下,定期响应24/7紧急回电.

(The work assigned to a position in this classification may not include all possible tasks in this description and does not limit the assignment of any additional tasks in this classification. Regular attendance according to the position's man年龄ment approved work schedule is required.)

手指印: The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and the FBI require the Property Man年龄ment Department to submit fingerprint cards of new employees and to keep them on file for every employee that has access to areas where their databases or information are accessed, 生产, 使用, 或存储.
认证 by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for authorized access to areas where the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) is accessed or CJIS information is stored is required after hire and the ability to 维护 this certification every year.

基本功能: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.



教育: 一年HVACR职业证书或同等学历, 建筑/系统, 保管服务或相关领域.
经验: 一年商业建筑维护和维修经验.
替换: Additional relevant experience may substitute for the educational requirement on a year-for-year basis.
认证/许可: 必须持有并保持有效的D类驾驶执照.  Ability to obtain a 明尼苏达州特种锅炉工程师执照 within 6 months of employment. 就业期间提供的援助. 

教育: Two-year vocational certification or equivalent in HVACR, 建筑/系统 or related field.
经验: 三年的大型(100,000平方英尺)建筑维修经验. ft.) commercial office building, including two years as a Building Maintenance Mechanic 1 or equivalent.
替换:  Additional relevant experience may substitute for the educational requirement on a year-for-year basis.
认证/许可: 必须持有并保持有效的D类驾驶执照. 必须有 明尼苏达州特种锅炉工程师执照 with the ability to obtain a State of Minnesota 2nd Class C Boiler's License within 12 months of employment. 就业期间提供的援助. 
首选: II类制冷剂转换和回收认证.


The examination process will consist of the following section with each section weighted as indicated:

  • 培训和经验评级= 100%

The examination for 维修技工1或2 will consist of a training and experience rating, 由附带的补充问卷中的问题组成. Not all applicants who meet the minimum qualifications will pass the training and experience rating. The rating on this supplemental questionnaire will depend on your answers to the questions – do not mark “see resume” or “see work history” as a response. 请清楚完整地回答你所有的问题.  如果不及时回答,将会影响你的成绩和最终排名.

合格的名单: The names of all applicants who filed a properly completed application and passed the examination/screening process shall be placed on the eligible list for an employment opportunity as a 维修技工1或2. This list will be certified to the appointing authority which may use this list to conduct interviews to fill a vacancy. 候选人将在名单上保留一个月或直到被录用,以先到者为准. 在合格名单公布时,将向申请人发出通知, 通知他们名单已经公布,以及他们在名单上的排名. 

The names of all applicants who pass the examination with a score of 22 or higher will be forwarded to the department for further consideration.

资深的偏好: 这是一个机密职位,需要一个公开、竞争的选拔过程. Veteran's Preference points will be applied after a candidate passes the examination process. 符合退伍军人偏好资格的申请人应更新其退伍军人的DD214, 及其他证明文件, 并在申请时作为附件提交.
犯罪背景调查: All employment offers are conditioned upon the applicant passing a criminal background check. 定罪并不是就业的自动障碍. 每个案件都是根据其个人优点和所寻求的工作类型来考虑的. 然而, making false statements or withholding information will cause you to be barred from employment, 或者被解雇.

e - verify系统参与: 爱博体育手机版下载参与了联邦电子验证计划. 这意味着爱博体育手机版下载将提供社会保障局(SSA)和, 如果有必要的话, 国土安全部(DHS), 每个新员工的I-9表格上的信息来确认工作授权. 如果政府不能确认你被授权工作, 爱博体育手机版下载 is required to give you written instructions and an opportunity to contact DHS and/or the SSA before taking adverse action against you, 包括终止你的雇佣关系. Employers may not use E-Verify to pre-screen job applicants and may not limit or influence the choice of documents you present for use on the Form I-9.
机会均等雇主: 爱博体育手机版下载提供平等的就业机会, 项目, 以及不分种族的服务, color, 信条, 宗教, 年龄, 性别(除非性别是一项真正的职业资格), 残疾, 家庭或婚姻状况, 性取向或性别认同, 公共援助状况, 居住地, 政治面貌, 或者国籍. 爱博体育手机版下载 is deeply committed to advancing racial equity and promoting diversity and inclusion within all areas of our workforce.

要列印此投寄的纸张申请表,请按 论文应用程序 (下载PDF阅读器). You will need to print this posting and answer the supplemental questions associated with this exam and submit them with your completed paper application.
如欲进一步了解此职位,请联络 梅根.席梦思床品公司@co.拉姆齐.mn.us 


联系人: 梅根 席梦思床品公司
电话 651-266-2700
圣保罗, MN 55101
交通: 在公交线路上,在绿线上